Shadows of Your Childhood


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Shadows of Your Childhood剧情内容介绍

Shadows of Your Childhood

A dream. Like one of those dreams that came to us back when we needed to know what those images were and where they came from. What happens behind the eyelids of a child and what haunts the heart of a mother while watching her offspring sleep? Mikhail Gorobchuk creates an astonishing miniature fresco with accomplished masterful strokes.

发布于2020年。由Mikhail Gorobchuk执导,并于2020-04-17(瑞士)公映的电影。


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Shadows of Your Childhood评价

  • 78/100 #TampereFF# 记忆里的光影摇曳,亦或是成年之后不断重访童年的梦境
