A Chuva Acalanta a Dor


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A Chuva Acalanta a Dor剧情内容介绍

A Chuva Acalanta a Dor又名Rain Hums a Lullaby to Pain

In this free adaptation of symbolist writer Marcel Schwob's short story Lucrèce, Poète, Lucretius is going through a crisis as he is unable to find a balance between his rational explanations of our world and his emotional experience of it. A mythopoeic film exploring human nature through juxtaposing contemporary society with ancient Rome, A chuva acalanta a dor is testament to...

发布于2020年。由利奥纳多·穆拉马蒂尔斯执导,并且由编剧利奥纳多·穆拉马蒂尔斯、Mauro Soares携幕后团队创作。并于2020-01-24(荷兰)公映的电影。


A Chuva Acalanta a Dor获奖情况

第49届鹿特丹国际电影节:短片金虎奖 最佳短片(提名)。

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