Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Michael Emil / Karen Black / Michael Margotta
  • 类型:喜剧 / 爱情
  • 地区: 美国
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Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?剧情内容介绍

Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?

Zee is walking up and down Manhattan streets, talking to herself and to the husband who has just left her. At a sidewalk café she runs into Eli. A very unlikely, funny and touching relationship develops between two lost souls in the big ****, which is the third major character in this film.

发布于1983年。由Henry Jaglom执导,并且由编剧Henry Jaglom携幕后团队创作。集众多位Michael Emil、Karen Black、Michael Margotta、Martin Harvey Friedberg、Frances Fisher、Larry David等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1983公映的电影。


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Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?评价

  • Woody Allen用幽默来掩饰性焦虑,Jaglom不掩饰。好笑到荒诞。

  • 依赖于戏剧与生活相融合,表演形式与《筋疲力尽》不谋而合。

  • Magi8动喜91分钟FL,非常影片,性苦闷的超熟大叔与临界更年期的即时离异妇女之间的爱情故事,演员表演发力极猛是可以理解的,而当女主大放歌喉之时我裂开了,默默的给了四颗星。

  • oh gesundheit, but i have to tell you something you may not be aware of. do you know there's a tremendous sexual relationship between sneezing and having orgasms? when you sneeze and when you have orgasms, in both cases there's a build up of tension. it's difficult to get it out. when you do get it out there's a sort of loss of consciousness and then a tremendous sense of relief. that means when you're having a good vigorous sneeze it's actually very, very healthy.
