Tournament of Champions Season 1


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Tournament of Champions Season 1剧情内容介绍

Tournament of Champions Season 1

Guy Fieri kicks off the competition with 16 of the greatest chefs in the world. The chefs are ranked, and the first round battle lines are drawn, setting up epic clashes between two best friends and a motivated underdog.

发布于2020年。由J. Rupert Thompson执导,集众多位盖·菲里、麦克·沃尔塔吉奥、南希·西尔弗顿、柯提斯·史东、Marc Murphy、Antonia Lofaso、Jet Tila、Amanda Freitag、Darnell Ferguson、Maneet Chauhan等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2020-03-04(美国)公映的综艺。


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